
Red Bull Japan

Scene iOS app

The product

Scene was a social network for sports, music, and street culture enthusiasts.

The application promoted official Red Bull events and allowed people to organise meet-ups.


Product strategy, information architecture, wireframing, UI/UX, and production management.

The process created a document which combined wireframes and an application map. This document provided the specifications for the project. It was the reference point for approvals, UI design, API and application development.

The document was useful for demonstrating the complexity of the product. This was helpful when managing scope creep from client feature requests.

The specification document was versioned and distributed to the team on a daily basis.

Each unique component of the wireframes had a reference ID. The production team used this ID in communication with the Red Bull team and the developers.


The process included weekly updates to the Red Bull team and set achievable targets for the following week.

The remote development team were able to build the application with minimal re-work. The final product was accurate to our specification.

We delivered a stable, fully-functional application to the iOS App Store on schedule. We continued to support the product for its lifespan.

The graphic designer created these final designs based on the wireframes.
